CLUB EGARA, 6 d’abril de 2022
Un dels equips favorits a lluitar pel títol de la EHL Ranking Cup 2022 seran els Waterloo Ducks de Bèlgica. Avui parlem amb el seu capità i campió olímpic amb Bèlgica, Gauthier Boccard.
Club Egara: “Hello Gauthier, thank you for taking your time for this interview. First of all, I want to ask you about your team, Waterloo Ducks. How is your season going so far? In what shape is your team going to be when the EHL Ranking Cup begins?”
Gauthier Boccard: “The Belgian league is very exciting this year. Everyone is very close to each other so it means that we have important games every weekend. For the moment we are in a good position to play the top 4 at the end. I think we are growing during this second round so we will be in our best shape to start this EHL Cup campaign”.
Club Egara: “Speaking about the EHL Ranking Cup, it is obvious that all the teams would like to be playing at the main EHL. How do you and your team value this tournament? What goals do you guys have for this tournament?”
Gauthier Boccard: “It is weird to see only one Belgian club qualified for the EHL. We will play the EHL cup like we would have played the EHL. Our goal is to win every game and prepare ourselves as good as we can for the end of our season”.
Club Egara: “Your first opponent is Grange HC from Scotland. With you experience in these types of tournaments what things are important to play well in the first game?”
Gauthier Boccard: “It is difficult to try something tactically against a team that we don’t know. So it is very important to be directly at your best. Have the right spirit to win the game as a team and going to the next round”.
Club Egara: “Now, we change the subject and we talk about you. When did you start playing hockey? Who introduce you to this sport?”
Gauthier Boccard: “I was 4 years old when I’ve started to play hockey at Royal Orée. My father and my grand father played hockey. Same as the most hockey players, it is a family story”.
Club Egara: “About your hockey career, you have achieved many titles with your club and the national team. Based on your experience, what advice would you give to the kids to understand how difficult is to become a top player?”
Gauthier Boccard: “It is important to have dreams and give yourself the chance to realize them. The key is to understand that it takes time and that you have to enjoy the game. Enjoy playing with your friends at training and games, enjoy playing in your garden,…”
To finish we ask you 4 quick questions:
When you were a kid your favorite player was... TEUN DE NOOIJER
Two games that you will never forget... BELGIAN FINAL IN 2012/ OLYMPIC FINAL 2021
If you score a goal at the EHL Ranking Cup you will dedicate to… MY TEAM
One Tv Series you recommend… FORMULA 1